ALIASES: Commander Aloysius
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Sentient alien desk lamp.
QUOTE: “I don't have hands, but if I did they would want to slap you right about now.”
ALLIES: Dracula, Doctor Yawecis
ENEMIES: “That One Guy,” Mr. Producer, Dracula
POINT OF ORIGIN: Star Outpost 69 in the Constellation Alpha Clitoris
FIRST APPEARANCE: Lamp the Movie (That Really Shouldn't Exist); *A Dracula Film (2021)
POWERS/ABILITIES: Able to send and receive telepathic transmissions across space.
BIO: Due to misinformation, Aloysius found himself on earth following Interstellar Dinosaur Wars, which had engulfed Star Outpost 69. Aloysius later goes head-to-head with "That One Guy" and Dracula before erasing "That One Guy" from the story and befriending Dracula, who then conspire with Doctor Yawecis to create a time machine out of Dracula to save the movie (they all live in) after it was canceled by Mr. Producer. Got that? Good.
FUN FACT: The character of Aloysius the Lamp along with all characters from Lamp the Movie (That Really Shouldn't Exist); *A Dracula Film (2021) are in the public domain.
OTHER APPEARANCES: "Weird Halloween Stories" (Fear After Fright: A Horror Rite, Ep5) (2023; radio)* mentioned