ALIASES: Deputy James "Jimmy" Boyd, Officer Boyd
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Deputy for the Louisa County Sheriff's Office
ALLIES: Gregor the Gravedigger
ENEMIES: Gregor the Gravedigger, Yama Yama Man
POINT OF ORIGIN: Bumpass, Virginia
FIRST APPEARANCE: Dracula - Fear After Fright: A Horror Rite, Ep1 (2021; audio program)
BIO: Deputy Boyd is tasked with providing law and order to the county to include the area of Wickham Corner, Virginia. He makes regular stops at "The Ghouls' Shed," Gregor's place of residence, often to inquire upon leads wherein Gregor is an implicated party. Boyd's relationship with Gregor is a strained one; however, the two seem to at least tolerate each other's company for the most part.
FUN FACT: Gregor incorrectly referred to Deputy Boyd as "Officer Boyd" for two straight episodes.
OTHER APPEARANCES: Fear after Fright: A Horror Rite (all episodes)