ALIASES: Christina, Christine, Chrissy
QUOTE: "Lie still, dearest."
ALLIES: Spirits of the Hartz Mountains
ENEMIES: Gregor the Gravedigger
POINT OF ORIGIN: Harz, Germany
FIRST APPEARANCE: "White Wolf of the Hartz Mountains," The Phantom Ship, by Frederick Marryat, Chapter XXXIX, (1839)
POWERS/ABILITIES: Able to transform from human form into a large white wolf.
BIO: Christina is a mysterious enchantress who seduces unsuspecting men forcing them into the bonds of matrimony by swearing upon the spirits of the Hartz Mountains. On Fear After Fright, it is revealed that Christina is Gregor's thirteenth wife and last ex wife who harbors a grudge against him.
FUN FACT: In the original novel, the character is called, "Christina" while in the radio adaptation the character is called, "Christine." As a gag, Gregor has referred to her by three names: "Christina," "Christine," and "Chrissy."
OTHER APPEARANCES: "The Werewolf" - Fear After Fright: A Horror Rite, Ep2 (2021; radio) , "Only the Die Twice" - Fear After Fright: A Horror Rite, Ep2 (2021; radio) , "Weird Halloween Stories" - Fear After Fright: A Horror Rite, Ep5 (2021; radio)