SHORT DESCRIPTION: A toy soldier made of tin.
QUOTE: “This is a confusing age we live in. Well, better go water the dog and walk the plant.”
ALLIES: Gregor the Gravedigger, Saul Tooth the Pirate
ENEMIES: scum and/or villiany
POINT OF ORIGIN: The "Mean Streets" of Toyland
FIRST APPEARANCE: $#!+ Gone Down in Toyland (Twitter Account) (2021)*
POWERS/ABILITIES: Is made out of Tin.
BIO: In the broken down corners of a cruel and unforgiving Toyland, Timas arouse to weed out corruption and protect the innocent from the sadistic slum-lords and ruthless robber barons. And while that might make for an interesting story it never really materialized. And so Timas along with Saul Tooth the Pirate found themselves ejected from their narratives and placed in Development Hell. However, both Timas and Saul made their escape with the aid of Gregor the Gravedigger.
FUN FACT: *Timas originally appeared on the $#!+ Gone Down in Toyland (Twitter Account), which was later rebranded as Thrill Land's main account.
OTHER APPEARANCES: "Gregor Goes to Development Hell" - Fear After Fright: A Horror Rite, Ep6 (2023; audio program) , "Monsterfest" - Fear After Fright: A Horror Rite, Ep10 (2023; audio program)