STORYTELLER: Your party moves forward, slowly, but then gaining speed, you make good time through the brush and immense wooded terrain. As your party moves down hill, a cleaning comes into view, surrounded by a thick wood. Within the clearing, your party spies an old cabin. The scene, strikes you as odd, as very few would venture off so far, let alone make there home in the middle of uncharted territory, so far from the safety of the towns.
PLAYER 1: Can we tell if the cabin is inhabited or not?
STORYTELLER: You do not see any signs of human habitation; however, you see some clay bricks and tools strewn about. Although, it is not clear how long they have been there.
PLAYER 3: Well, go take a closer look you whinin', unthinkin', triflin' ne'er-do-well.
PLAYER 1: I wish to kick [PLAYER 3] down the hill.
STORYTELLER: Roll to test your Rule of Force.
* * * Player 1 rolls 2 dice, 4-6 * * *
STORYTELLER: The roll is 10. What is your Grit under Physical.
STORYTELLER: With a decisive turn of [PLAYER 1's] foot. [PLAYER 3] is quickly dispatched to investigate the area, carefully examining each rock and broken branch lying on the hillside, with his/her face, arm, knee, or any other appendage that should come into contact.
STORYTELLER: [PLAYER 3] do you wished to shout some condemations?
PLAYER 3: Like what?
STORYTELLER: Consult your swearing sheet.
PLAYER 3: Goldarn, durn, dadburned, blast it, gahdangot!
STORYTELLER: Two minutes later [PLAYER 3] arrives at the cabin.
PLAYER 2: Hey! You confounded clod, whatcha see?
PLAYER 3: Nothin' you pie-eyed, rag-tag, cockeyed bulegripe!
PLAYER 3: What do I really see?
STORYTELLER: A hole, about twelve feet long and six feet deep, inside there is a coffin. On a shovel, beside the coffin, there is a note.
PLAYER 3: I read the note.
STORYTELLER: Is literacy under your character's skills?
PLAYER 3: I shout up the hill, "All right, y'gutless, no-'count, lily-livered, jingle-jacks! Which-a ones a-yous knows reading good?
STORYTELLER: By now, everyone is right beside you.
PLAYER 2: Your mother.
PLAYER 3: I would like to push [PLAYER 2] in the hole.
STORYTELLER: Roll to test your Rule of Force.
PLAYER 1: I would like to roll too.
PLAYER 4: Me also.
STORYTELLER: [PLAYER 2] just get into the hole.
PLAYER 2: I reluctantly climb into the grave.
STORYTELLER: [PLAYER 2] reluctantly climbs down. All others non-reluctantly kick [PLAYER 2] several times.
PLAYER 2: Ouch.
STORYTELLER: [PLAYER 2] the note reads, "Here lies Ernest Clay Puckett. Died of Cholera. True to his life and legacy, here is a job halfway finish. Signed the Gravediggers."
PLAYER 4: Open the casket.
PLAYER 2: Forget it, the note says cholera.
PLAYER 4: That's the oldest trick in the book, y'see? That there coffin, might could be loaded with your weight in silver and diamonds.
PLAYER 2: I open the casket.
STORYTELLER: The coffin is full of manure.
PLAYER 4: And possibly cholera, hehe.
PLAYER 3: Oh! Reach in it to see if there's any gold inside.
PLAYER 2: I climb out of the hole.
PLAYER 1: So... anyone up to solve the mystery of the coffin filled with dully discharged stomach bile?
PLAYER 3: I vote [PLAYER 2] find out.
PLAYER 1: Seconded.
PLAYER 4: And a third.
PLAYER 2: I start walking back to the wood line now.
PLAYER 3: Did any of you gadabouts check out the cabin.
PLAYER 4: I open the cabin door.
STORYTELLER: A wampus cat runs towards the door.
PLAYER 4: I close it.
STORYTELLER: Roll to test your Law of Relation, please.
* * * Player 4 rolls 1 dice, 6 * * *
STORYTELLER: The roll is 6. Well, you are not faster than a wampus cat.
PLAYER 4: Consarn it.
STORYTELLER: Suddenly, a loud crash is made as [PLAYER 4] is flatten to the ground, as the door topples on top of him. The wampus cat stares with glaring green eyes and front paws resting on the door.
PLAYER 3: Oooo... can I try and body-slam the wampus cat?
STORYTELLER: Everyone roll for turns on body-slamming the wampus cat.
PLAYER 4: No! No! You indolent jingle-jacks! We are not doing that.
STORYTELLER: [PLAYER 4] is out for this round due to being trapped beneath a door and a wampus.
PLAYER 2: Can [PLAYER 1] still take damage.
PLAYER 4: Seriously?!
* * * Player 1 Rolls 3 - Player 2 Rolls 1 - Player 3 Rolls 3* * *
* * * Player 1 Rolls 3 - Player 3 Rolls 6 to break the tie * * *
STORYTELLER: [PLAYER 3] you are first, how would you like to begin.
PLAYER 3: I do not wish to body-slam the wampus.
PLAYER 4: Whew...
PLAYER 3: How about drop-kicking him?
PLAYER 4: *sigh*
STORYTELLER: Roll to test your Rule of Force.
* * * Player 3 rolls 2 dice, 3-5 * * *
STORYTELLER: [PLAYER 3] boldly shoots into the air and lands his leg on the back of the wampus with dart-like precision. In return, the wampus cat roars menacingly, as the ground gives way to reveal a cellar underneath. Wampus, door, and [PLAYER 4] plummet into the darkened chamber below. [PLAYER 3] not far behind.
STORYTELLER: For the wampus' roar, that was a 6 rolled for Nature of Being. [PLAYER 3] what is your Grit for emotional.
STORYTELLER: Shade 1 in your Resolve.
PLAYER 1: What about damage upon impact for [PLAYER 4]
* * * Storyteller rolls 2 dice, 6-6 * * *
STORYTELLER: As same values cancel out, [PLAYER 4] miraculously falls into some hay bales, the door, flipping, acting as a shield against the wampus cat, leaving [PLAYER 4] unharmed upon impact.
PLAYER 4: Finally.
STORYTELLER: Unfortunately, [PLAYER 4] is trapped in a cellar with a wampus cat and [PLAYER 3].
PLAYER 4: I'm not sure which is worse.
STORYTELLER: [PLAYER 1] I believe it is time for you to have a go.
PLAYER 1: Pulling my trusty harmonica out of my coat, I play a stirring tune to calm the savage beast.
STORYTELLER: Roll to test your Unity of Life.
* * * Player 1 rolls 3 dice, 5-2-5 * * *
PLAYER 1: 5s cancel out, so 2.
STORYTELLER: Yea, well, it's like this. The wampus cat is mean, the wampus is nasty, wampus cat don't give a flip.
STORYTELLER: In return, the wampus makes some music of its own, and the creature emits a whistling sort of cry. The sound directed at you is almost hypnotic in its melody.
* * * Storyteller rolls 1 dice, 5 * * *
STORYTELLER: Your grit on Unity of Life?
STORYTELLER: That's a point on your resolve.
STORYTELLER: [PLAYER 2] we haven't heard from you in a while. From what I remember you left to the wood line. Care to help your fallen comrades?
PLAYER 2: Naw, I think I'm good.
PLAYER 3: You rotten, little, lugger-mugger!
PLAYER 4: I'm not sure if we have even made a dent in this thing.
STORYTELLER: Yup, you all are kind of screwed at the moment.
STORYTELLER: [PLAYER 4] you have center stage.
PLAYER 4: I think the situation calls for a good ol' fashion stare down.
PLAYER 1: Well, we're dead.
STORYELLER: The wild-eyed Wampus whirls around watching with a weird, worrisome wonder ...